Mokuhanga Sisters invites
45 artists through an open call to exhibit mokuhanga works for
at the Richard F. Brush Art Gallery at
St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York
The exhibition will run from September 12 through October 8, 2022.
All accepted works utilize mokuhanga as the primary medium.
Presented in conjunction with Wood Paper Ink,
New Prints Off the Block is the Richard F. Brush Art Gallery’s first juried exhibition.
Mokuhanga prints by forty-five international artists were selected by the Mokuhanga Sisters
who chose from a pool of over 250 applicants.
The choices highlight the diversity and innovation of the international mokuhanga community.
John Amoss, Kristi Arnold, Cameron Bailey, Linda Beeman, Laura Bortoloni, Nandini Bagla Chirimar, Eric Conrad, Mara Cozzolino, Jaya Duvvuri, Inga Eicaite, Soetkin Everaert, Jolanta Ewart, Niamh Flanagan, Olivia Fredricks, Eriko Fujita, Jacqueline Gribbin, Marcia Guetschow, Wuon-Gean Ho, Raluca Iancu, Yoko Kanahama, Tihana Karlovic, Ann Kavanagh, Albert Lewis, Leon Loughridge, Jacek Machowski, Joanne Madeley, Linda Mahoney, Nichol Markowitz, Karen Maurstig, Rowan Mconegal, Sarah Ann Mitchell, Muntsa Molina, Tongji Philip Qian, Susan Rushforth, Robert Russell, Lynita Shimizu, Tatiana Simonova, Andrew Stone, Elisabet Alsos Strand, Julie Strasheim, Yoshihiro Tsuji, Benoit Varaillon, Carol Wilhide Justin, Trish Yates

Mara Cozzolino, Heaven and Earth, 2021

Mara Cozzolino, Heaven and Earth, 2021

Richard F Brush Gallery, St Lawrence University

Benoit Varaillon Memento Primavera, 2020

Benoit Varaillon, Memento Primavera and Inga Eicaite, F_01

Inga Eicaite, F_01, 2022

Inga Eicaite, F_01 and Yoshihiro Tsuji, Night Tide

Yoshihiro Tsuji, Night Tide, 2022

Yoshihiro Tsuji, Night Tide and Rowan Mconegal Birches pond

Rowan Mconegal Birches pond

Marcia Guetschow, The Glade, 2022

Marcia Guetschow, The Glade; Sarah Ann Mitchell, Dream Pool; Linda Beeman, Erosion: Cracked

Sarah Ann Mitchell, Dream Pool;Linda Beeman, Erosion: Cracked

Sarah Ann Mitchell, Dream Pool, 2020

Linda Beeman, Erosion: Cracked, 2020

Linda Beeman, Erosion: Cracked, 2020

Joanne Madeley, Loon, 2020

Joanne Madeley, Loon and Tongji Philip Qian, Conventional_Formality

Tongji Philip Qian, Conventional_Formality

Albert Lewis Zebrina, 2022

Albert Lewis, Zebrina and John Amoss, Cat Garden

John Amoss Cat Garden, 2022

Julie Strasheim Disconnection and Reconnection, 2020

Cameron Bailey, The Dream

Cameron Bailey, The Dream, 2021

Trish Yates, Bird's eye view, 2019

Cameron Bailey, The Dream; Trish Yates, Bird's eye view; Jacqueline Gribbin, Hot Burn I

Jacqueline Gribbin, Hot Burn I, 2021

Jacqueline Gribbin, Hot Burn I

Linda Mahoney, Turbulent Sky Over Corea Heath, 2019

Linda Mahoney, Turbulent Sky Over Corea Heath, and Carol Wilhide Justin, Asemic Writing

Carol Wilhide Justin, Asemic Writing, 2020

Richard F Brush Gallery, St Lawrence University

From left (clockwise), Muntsa Molina, Tangled Thoughts, 2020; Jacek Machowski, Midas' last hope, 2022; Niamh Flanagan, whispering from another shore, 2021; Elisabet Alsos Strand, Shades- soft, 2021; Tihana karlovic, cloud, 2020; Ann Kavanagh, Arctic Spaces, 2022; Laura Bortoloni, Uccea 03, 2022; Robert Russell, As Mist Retreats, Blackthorn Stands. 2021

From left (clockwise), Muntsa Molina, Tangled Thoughts, 2020; Jacek Machowski, Midas' last hope, 2022; Niamh Flanagan, whispering from another shore, 2021; Elisabet Alsos Strand, Shades- soft, 2021; Tihana karlovic, cloud, 2020; Ann Kavanagh, Arctic Spaces, 2022; Laura Bortoloni, Uccea 03, 2022; Robert Russell, As Mist Retreats, Blackthorn Stands. 2021
Muntsa Molina, Tangled Thoughts, 2020

From left (clockwise), Niamh Flanagan, whispering from another shore, 2021; Elisabet Alsos Strand, Shades- soft, 2021; Tihana karlovic, cloud, 2020; Ann Kavanagh, Arctic Spaces, 2022;

Ann Kavanagh, Arctic Spaces, 2022;

From left (clockwise), Muntsa Molina, Tangled Thoughts, 2020; Jacek Machowski, Midas' last hope, 2022; Niamh Flanagan, whispering from another shore, 2021; Elisabet Alsos Strand, Shades- soft, 2021; Tihana karlovic, cloud, 2020; Ann Kavanagh, Arctic Spaces, 2022; Laura Bortoloni, Uccea 03, 2022; Robert Russell, As Mist Retreats, Blackthorn Stands. 2021

Cabinet with Olivia Fredricks, Hotcold and Eric Conrad, Bundle

Cabinet with Olivia Fredricks, Hotcold and Eric Conrad, Bundle

Olivia Fredricks, Hotcold, 2022

Olivia Fredricks, Hotcold, and Eric Conrad, Bundle

Eric Conrad, Bundle, 2022

Robert F Brush Gallery, St Lawrence University, Canton, NY

Kristi Arnold, Bolster and Eriko Fujita, Puddle

Kristi Arnold, Bolster, 2018

Eriko Fujita, Puddle, 2021

Nichol Markowitz, Dawn, 2021

Lynita Shimizu, The Setting, 2022

Wuon-Gean Ho, Horror Scroll, 2022

Leon Loughridge, Brooklyn Bridge a la Cristo, 2014

Leon Loughridge, Brooklyn Bridge a la Cristo; Jaya Duvvurij, Untitled-2022; and Yoko Kanahama, Still can't wait for summer

Jaya Duvvurij, Untitled-2022 and Yoko Kanahama, Still can't wait for summer

Jaya Duvvurij, Untitled-2022

Yoko Kanahama, Still can't wait for summer, 2022

Soetkin Everaert, You'll be a woman soon, 2020

Soetkin Everaert, You'll be a woman soon; Karen Maurstig, Beyond the horizon; and Jolanta Ewart, Two Rocks

Karen Maurstig, Beyond the horizon, 2022

Jolanta Ewartk, Two Rocks, 2015

Jolanta Ewart, Two Rocks and Raluca Iancu, Overpasses (part 2)

Raluca Iancu, Overpasses (part 2), 2022

Raluca Iancu Overpasses (part 2); Nandini Bagla Chirimar, Within Four Walls; and Andrew Stone, I may never finish my novel (stub).

Nandini Bagla Chirimar, Within Four Walls, 2022

Nandini Bagla Chirimar, Within Four Walls, and Andrew Stone, I may never finish my novel (stub).

Andrew Stone, I may never finish my novel (stub), 2018

Tatiana Simonova, Untitled (Not to know 4), 2019

Tatiana Simonova, Untitled (Not to know 4) andTatiana Simonova, Untitled (Not to know 4)

Tatiana Simonova, Untitled (Not to know 4), 2020

Richard F Brush Gallery, St Lawrence University

Ray Whelan and Oliver Erwich aesthetically placing mokuhanga prints at the Richard F Brush Gallery
Mokuhanga Sisters is a print collective of nine artists: Katie Baldwin, Patty Hudak, Mariko Jesse, Kate MacDonagh, Yoonmi Nam, Natasha Norman, Mia O, Lucy May Schofield, and Melissa Schulenberg. This international group bonded while studying mokuhanga in Japan and has continued to work together to promote exhibitions and educational projects involving mokuhanga.
Special thanks to:
Special thanks to:
Catherine Tedford- Director Brush Art Gallery
Carole Mathey- Assistant Director Brush Art Gallery
Ray Whelan and Oliver Erwich for their aesthetic judgment in hanging this exhibition
Teya Shrady for her organization and imaging
All the staff at the Robert F Brush Gallery